In this digital age, it’s difficult to not get distracted. I struggle with doing one thing at a time. It makes me cringe to admit this, but I’ve caught myself watching a show, on my laptop checking emails, scrolling on Instagram, all while being on the phone with my mom. Now that’s doing way to much! We don’t accomplish nearly as much when we’re distracted as we could if we were focused on one thing at a time.

How many times have you found yourself at your desk ready to start a project but then you don’t feel motivated? So you decide to spark your creativity. Next thing you know you’re reading articles, watching YouTube videos, checking emails and on Instagram for an hour. Then, you waste more time beating yourself up for being distracted for so long. It’s important to remember that most apps and websites that we use were made to keep us on their platform for as long as possible.

Avoiding distractions is tough. Especially because most of us were never taught how to focus and be disciplined. It’s time to stop this cycle!!

Psychologists claim that the main determinant of whether someone changes their behavior is their belief in their own power to do so.

Tip 1: Complete A Time Tracker

Go ahead and download this pre-made time tracker. I love this exercise because it will show your true colors. This tracker is perfect for the people who feel like they never have enough time in the day. After you’ve completed this task, you’ll realize that you spend a lot of time procrastinating or doing things that aren’t necessary.

Now that you know how your time is being spent, begin planning realistically. Allow yourself X amount of time on social media, with loved ones, and working on your brand. The key is to schedule your downtime like you would your work time. That is how you find true work-life harmony. Remember you can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it is distracting you from!

Tip 2: Turn Off All Your Notifications

Only keep relevant tabs open on your screen. Place your phone far away from wherever you’re working. I know it can be difficult to shut all your notifications off depending on your job, but whatever you’re worrying about probably isn’t as urgent as you think. If it is super urgent then person will probably find another way to contact you. Set a time for your diligent work session then check your notifications when you take a break.

Tip 3: Set Your Intentions For The Day Into Small Chunks

If you set out to do 10 things in a day. You probably won’t achieve all 10. If you set 2-3 main goals, you’re way more likely to achieve them. Studies show that people who achieve small goals throughout the day tend to achieve more than they expected. Make sure your prioritizes are broken down into smaller tasks. For instance, in order for me to write weekly blog posts, I write a couple of paragraphs over the course of 2 days. Then I add pictures and do all the formatting work on a separate day. That has proven to be much more manageable for my schedule. Planning, writing, and editing one blog post can be done in one day. However, I’d rather not put that pressure on myself nor spend one day doing a blog post.

Tip 4: Accomplish One Of Your Main Goals Before Work 

We all should have personal pursuits outside of work/school. Dedicate some time in your morning to that goal, even if it’s just 20 minutes. If you absolutely cannot make the time before work, schedule time after work and stick to it, even if that means missing out on a TV show or Happy Hour.

Tip 5: Control Your Internal Distractions

We often turn to distractions as an escape from uncomfortable feelings such as loneliness, boredom, and fatigue. If you’re anything like me, your mind wanders and you come up with a million ideas right when you’re trying to accomplish a task. This is normal. In order to focus your mind back on to your task, write down your ideas immediately to get it out of your head. I place a note pad next to me wherever I’m working. I scribble notes onto it then I go back to my task. That way instead of texting your friend back because you remembered you forgot to do so, you write a note to do it after you’re done with your task.

Tip 6: Find The Best Environment For Your Productivity

I find it difficult to concentrate when I’m around a lot of people who are having side conversations or who are noisy. Determine the environment you excel best in. I work best in a well-lit fairly quiet environment. The most I’ll have on in the background is music or a motivational video, depending on the task.

Tip 7: Avoid Getting Caught Up In What You Don’t Know How To Do

Many people start working on a task and then realize they don’t know how to do part of it. That’s fine. However, you shouldn’t then spend the next 3 hours researching how to do whatever it is you don’t know how to do. Instead move on to another task you know you can accomplish. Circle back to the more difficult task when you have more time to allocate to it. By then you may have figured it or found someone who can help you.

Tip 8: Meditate

Have you ever thought about why many people find it difficult to meditate? It’s because they suck at focusing. Meditating is ultimately the practice of focusing. Meditating consistently will enhance your ability to focus, decrease stress, and it will foster creative thoughts, and help you control your mind and emotions better.

Distractions will perpetually happen. When they do choose to be compassionate with yourself, follow the tips above, and continue being the boss that you are!